Stop foreclosure Los Angeles

With real estate value constantly falling, homeowners are skeptical about paying a mortgage for a home below its standard value, however, that isn’t the only reason people default from mortgage payments. Health challenges, loss of a job are a few of the many reasons homeowners can’t meet up to their payment. In respective if your circumstances, lenders still want their money back and this usually leads to your home being foreclosed.

Even if you have received a foreclosure notice, you can still stop the foreclosure before a foreclosure sale is concluded. Here are a few steps to take to stop foreclosure in Los Angeles:

  • Short sale

It’s a process by which you sell your home for less than it is owned, a deficiency will be created as the money won’t cover for the debt owed. However, provided you do this with the content of your lender, it should not cause you any problem later.

  • Deed in- lieu -of foreclosure

This process requires you to deed your home in exchange for forgiveness on your debt, although this process seems simple and straight forward, many homeowners still get cheated. Some lenders only forgive the debts partially in an unfair way, the solution to this problem is to go through it with an attorney. Let an attorney negotiate the process and oversee all necessary documents to be signed.

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  • Filing for bankruptcy

Automatic stay created by the bank after you file for bankruptcy might give you all the time you need to get back on track with your mortgage payment. However, it is not a process you should do nonchalantly as it can cost you your home. Chapter 13 bankruptcy is effective for homeowners who want to keep their homes.


Understanding how the foreclosure is processed in your state is the ultimate tip to stop foreclosure and save your home.

For information on foreclosure defense call us at (877) 399 2995. We offer litigation document review support, mortgage audit reports, securitization audit reports, affidavit of expert witness notarized, and more.


Obtain the facts & evidence and the litigation support you deserve today! Call or request a free consulation today!

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