Stop Foreclosure In Dallas

Are you at the risk of losing your home? Is your home located in Dallas? I will show you how you can stop foreclosure in Dallas, you don’t have to panic, just take the few tips that will be shared and work on them. Provided a foreclosure sale has not occurred, you should be able to stop the foreclosure proceedings.

Foreclosure is the process by which your property is sold to pay up the debt you own, stopping a foreclosure gives you the time you need to save your home. Even when the goal is not to save your property, stopping foreclosure can still give you time to pack your stuff and prepare for the inevitable.

Foreclosure in Dallas

Foreclosure sales occur on the first Tuesday of every month, a representative from the lender institute auction the property and sale to the highest bidder. Usually, everyone bid below what is owned but occasionally some people bid more than is owned, which is preferred but the lender’s representative.

Here are two tips to stop foreclosure in Dallas

  • Open your email regularly

Prevention is always better than cure and this is very applicable to foreclosure. It’s better if you can prevent it and one way to do that is by checking your emails regularly. You will be well informed about the state of your account and any possible solution offered by your lender before a foreclosure is initiated.

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  • Hire a lawyer

The process of stopping foreclosure is usually earlier and faster with the help of a lawyer. Working with a lawyer also boosts your chances of saving your home, however, it is better when a real estate lawyer or foreclosure lawyer is hired. Reason being that they are more aware of state laws and how the process is carried out better than anyone.


Taking action as soon as you receive a notice increases your chances of saving your home, delay no further. Act now.

For information on foreclosure defense call us at (877) 399 2995. We offer litigation document review support, mortgage audit reports, securitization audit reports, affidavit of expert witness notarized, and more.


Obtain the facts & evidence and the litigation support you deserve today! Call or request a free consulation today!

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  • Jennifer

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