Stop Eviction and Solve Health Crisis during COVID 19

When the urgency of housing registration and the restriction of the moratorium began, one thing became clear: a shelter arrived that frightened local leaders, residents and homeowners. It is estimated that one in five people (19 to 23 million people) living in rented housing by September 30 is at risk of leaving home. The problem is not new, but it has not grown after unemployment and recession. Expected movements across the country have taken place in projects such as housing shortages, declining housing, animal loans, and racial discrimination in the reconstruction process, following the shortage of seven million known homes and decades later. And remove. More than 40% of tenants are eligible before the outbreak, and about 50% of these households spend more than half of their monthly income on rent payments and activities.

Furthermore, the risk of eviction and subsequent disadvantages such as influencing someone’s score or consent to future housing acquisition is uncommon, especially since the systems can affect a community of black and black women. Housing is subject to pressure and discrimination. A report from the eviction laboratory found that black owners were twice as likely to be removed as white owners. Due to the high cost and low supply of cost-effective units, millions of criminals, especially blacks, locals and people of color, are at high risk of being evacuated once they reach a safe home.

How can cities provide short-term support?

As the outbreak has become more widespread and its economic impact has intensified, many cities are using today’s new, targeted, and fair methods for families.

Extend the time you hold evictions and implement the payment plan. At the height of the pandemic, 42 states and the District of Columbia imposed eviction orders nationwide, adding to temporary eviction orders for most of the federal government-backed homes and properties. In states where the governor’s regulatory order expires, many cities have long periods of suspension for residents, such as Detroit, Michigan and Denver, Colorado. The rent will be paid in full by the end of December. In some cities, such as Texas and Dallas, we urge offenders and homeowners to negotiate a settlement before the eviction process begins.

Start or start a paid support program. Install in cities of any size or old hospital programs that provide housing for those in need. Many cities in California, including San Diego (up to $ 4,000) and Virginia (Alexandria) (up to $ 1,800), offer this support in the form of single paychecks. Other companies offer higher prices, such as Jersey City, New Jersey (6 months market share) and Pennsylvania, Philadelphia ($ 750 for 6-month rent).

Providing legal aid. Legal support for court residents is accompanied by a significant reduction in the level of eviction by the court, as well as the possibility of preventing the registration of some of these cases. But the law offers more advice than the one in New York City. Overall, 90 percent of evicted homeowners have legal status in court, but only 10 percent of residents. In response, cities such as Baltimore, MD, Providence, RI, Arlington, TX, and Kansas City, MO offer or assist low-income processes waiting to be exported.

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Long-term methods to reduce the risk of eviction

When these short-term solutions run out or funding ends, cities must take into account the long-term effects of large-scale transportation on their teams and implement effective policies or plans.

Deportation mediation programs

Owned by a professional, independent, owner and chartered mediator, displacement mediation programs allow you to discuss disputes in a non-governmental process before submitting a formal eviction request. If an agreement is reached during mediation, the landlord and tenant can find a legally binding solution, avoiding any litigation. If no agreement is reached, the case can still be heard in a regular court.

Decide to use the interview schedule as an entry point for disputes between landlord and tenant, all parties involved will benefit. Interviews can provide a legal cost savings for the landlord, protect the tenant’s rent list, and reduce the case burden for more litigation. These benefits, along with the successful advancement of evacuation programs, have increased the number of cities considering this approach.

In the city of Palo Alto, California, community members have been receiving voluntary arbitration services for more than 30 years to resolve disputes between landlords and tenants. Together with the local non-profit organization, the Palo Alto Arbitration Program resolves about 150 cases a year and represents about 80% of resolved arbitration cases; Later, it offered a smoother alternative to stakeholder litigation.

The Fourth Florida Court of Appeals, which assists the boards of Desoto, Manatees and Sarasota, provided advisory services in their efforts to resolve the dispute. Troubleshooting unit. These programs provide free home counseling to Citi 12 Circuit members at four locations. Counseling software can be an important tool for solving current class problems. By integrating transition services into innovative strategies, cities can begin to capitalize on existing resources, while having additional opportunities for help. Owners and offenders, as appropriate.

Eviction programs

Dismissal often involves a variety of strategies to protect the rights of thieves and to protect the rights of landowners. After the Michigan Housing Development Authority (MHSDA) launched the state’s comprehensive transformation program, the city of Michigan is using conditional relocation, rent and payment schemes to help urban landowners. Help the criminals. He got me. Stable and protected. North Carolina’s Durham County has also managed to reduce the depressed population by hiring international divers to conduct diving programs. County Durham residents, who started operating in 2017, receive information about assistance with rent and legal resources as well as an eviction suit. This acceptance strategy means that 80% of customers who participated in the conversion program avoided the decision to vacate their records. In light of the evacuation crisis that followed, by following these examples, cities need to develop disruptive strategies that include both pre- and post-archive interventions. Stanford Legal Design Laboratory, in collaboration with the NLC on Disaster Management, has developed a tripartite approach to disasters that can be made by cities and courts to provide better support to affected tenants and ordering problems or pending trial.

“Disclaimer: This is not legal advice. This is an information article only.”

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