Sample Hardship Letter To Stop Foreclosure

If you plan to stop foreclosure using either loan modification or short sale or deed in lieu, a hardship letter will be required by the bank to proceed your request. For any form of loss mitigation as such that were listed earlier, a hardship letter will be written by you and it will be submitted along with other documents such as bank statement, tax returns, and other information required by your lender.

The hardship letter is how your lender will be able to have a clear picture of your financial situation. In the letter, you must give adequate information and give reasons why your lender should stop the foreclosure proceedings. You shouldn’t write a sympathetic letter because you are not writing to a person, you’re writing to a business and if you want to win, you should recognize their desire to make money most in your letter.

In your letter, you should explain briefly the circumstances that led to your financial difficulties and also state your capacity to bounce back and get on track with the payment. Most homeowners write a hardship letter to secure a loan modification, whatever your reason is, make sure to state it out plainly in your letter and not expect your lender to figure it out. Tips to writing a hardship letter:

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  • Keep it simple and brief
  • State your request
  • State your hardships
  • Restate your request


Most homeowners do not put in a lot of time to draft and edit their hardship letter, they just copy something from the internet and wonder why their lenders turn them down. What is worth doing is worth doing well, it won’t take you a day to do this. Chances are you are already telling friends and family why you can keep up with your mortgage payment, all you have to do is pen those reasons down and add a request to it.

For information on foreclosure defense call us at (877) 399 2995. We offer litigation document review support, mortgage audit reports, securitization audit reports, affidavit of expert witness notarized, and more.


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