Mortgage Audit Reports That Come With Forensic Loan Audit Reports

A forensic audit is an investigation into a business’s financial records to gather data that can be used as evidence in court or other legal proceedings.

For instance, Telemart’s Chief Financial Officer advised them to negotiate a contract with RJ Inc. for the delivery of carts (CFO). Since RJ Inc.’s license had been suspended due to some issues with the taxes it had paid, it was not allowed to conduct business at the time. Despite knowing this and getting compensation from RJ Inc. in secret, the CFO advised Telemart to enter into a contract with them.

Such fraud incidents can be found through a forensic audit.

What is the purpose of a forensic audit?

There are several reasons why forensic audit investigations are conducted, including the following:

  • Corruption

When doing a forensic audit to investigate for fraud, an auditor would watch out for the following:

Conflicts of interest occur when a fraudster utilizes their position to advance their own interests at the expense of the company. For instance, if a manager permits and confirms false claims made by a worker with whom he has a personal relationship. Although the manager did not immediately profit financially from this approval, it is believed that he will gain personal rewards after making similar incorrect approvals.

Bribery, as the term implies, is the act of paying someone to accomplish a goal or change a circumstance to one’s advantage. For instance, Telemith paid a Technosmith employee to supply specific information so that Telemith could use it to prepare a tender bid for Technosmith.

Extortion – Technosmith would be engaging in extortion if she demanded money in exchange for giving Telemith a contract.

  • Misappropriation of assets

The most prevalent and typical type of fraud is the misuse of assets. A few instances of such asset misappropriation include theft of inventory, misuse of assets, the creation of phony invoices, payments made to suppliers or employees who don’t exist, and misappropriation of funds.

  • Fraud in financial statements

Companies use this kind of deception to present their financial performance as being better than it actually is. Presenting false data may be done to increase liquidity, guarantee that top management keeps collecting bonuses, or respond to market performance pressure.

Financial statement fraud can take many different forms, such as the deliberate falsification of accounting records, the omission of transactions—either revenue or expenses—from the financial statements, the omission of pertinent information, or the failure to follow the required financial reporting standards.

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A forensic audit investigation’s process

A forensic auditor must have specialized training in forensic audit methods and the law governing accounting matters. In addition to standard audit methods, there are additional measures that must be taken for a forensic audit:

        1. Plan your investigation first.

When a client appoints a forensic auditor, the auditor must be aware of the audit’s purpose. For instance, the client can be wary of potential fraud regarding the caliber of the raw materials delivered. The forensic auditor will structure their inquiry to accomplish goals like:

  • Identify any fraud that may be occurring.
  • Establish the timeframe in which the fraud happened.
  • Find out how the scam was masked.
  • Determine the fraud’s perpetrators.
  • Calculate the damage done as a result of the fraud.

        2. Collect evidence that can be used in court and suggest ways to stop similar frauds from happening again in the business.

The forensic auditor must comprehend the potential type of fraud that has been carried out and how the audit’s conclusion has perpetrated it. The gathered evidence must be sufficient to establish the identity of the fraudster(s) in court, explain the specifics of the fraud scheme, show how much money was lost, and identify the parties impacted by the scam.

The court will understand the deception and the proof more easily if the evidence is given in a logical order. It is necessary for forensic auditors to take security measures to make sure that no one tampers with the documents and other evidence they have collected.

The following are typical methods for gathering evidence in a forensic audit:

  • Techniques that are substantive, such as document reviews and reconciliations
  • Analytical techniques are used to compare trends across time or to gather comparable data from various areas.
  • Computer software tools that can be used to detect fraud are known as computer-assisted audit approaches.
  • Understanding internal controls and putting them to the test will help you identify the gaps that permitted the fraud to be carried out.

       3. Speak with the suspect (s)

The reporting In order to inform a client about the fraud, a report is necessary. The investigation’s findings, a summary of the evidence, an explanation of how the fraud was carried out, and recommendations for how internal controls might be strengthened to stop such fraud in the future should all be included in the report. The report must be given to the client before they can decide whether to pursue legal action.

        4. Court hearings

The forensic auditor must be present to discuss the evidence gathered and how the suspect was identified during court proceedings. So that those who don’t understand accounting concepts can nevertheless comprehend the fraud that was committed, complex accounting concerns should be spelled out simply and in everyday language.


A forensic audit is a thorough engagement that calls for competence in both accounting and auditing methods as well as specialist legal knowledge. A forensic auditor must be aware of the different types of fraud that might be committed, as well as the procedures for gathering evidence.

At Mortgage Audit Online, we have qualified professionals that can help you through the process of foreclosure. Our team consists of foreclosure attorneys and forensic auditors who are ready to give you a helping hand. We will help you from the beginning till the end of your foreclosure process.

We have helped so many homeowners say their home and yours won’t be an exception. Contact us today to book an appointment. Don’t wait till it’s almost too late before you take the right step.

For information on foreclosure defense call us at (877) 399 2995. We offer litigation document review support, mortgage audit reports, securitization audit reports, affidavit of expert witness notarized, and more.


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