Mortgage Applications are Being Audited

A mortgage audit aims to identify improper creditor payments made as a result of incorrect interest rates, monthly payments, payback amounts, or loan balance calculations. Loan analyses also reveal hidden, improper, or excessive costs and breaches of TILA, RESPA, HOEPA, and other robbery loan laws. Homeowners who are worried about erroneous payments, incorrect calculations, or illegal fees, who are being executed, or for whom loans are being amended may benefit from mortgage audits.

Homeowners may use the audit findings to request a reimbursement from their lender for overpayments, errors in judgment, or other contraventions of federal lending regulations. It is crucial to stress that any sort of mortgage could have faults that result in costs. These consist of mortgage loans, fixed and adjustable interest rates, and reverse mortgage loans. Homeowners can win the case and receive a refund from the creditor for any expenses by using a mortgage check, which is a quick and simple approach for them to feel sure about the accuracy of their creditors’ calculations. When the owner receives the thorough inspection report, he will know immediately if he has been overcharged.

False “rescue crew” resulted from the dishonest promotion of services that offer consolation to distressed homeowners through the use of half-truths and sincere lies. Forensic examinations of mortgage loans are the newest scam savings for villains to abuse financial owners, according to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the state body for consumer protection. So-called forensic loan auditors, mortgage loan auditors, or legal aid-supported audit personnel backed by forensic attorneys examine your mortgage loan paperwork to ascertain whether your lender has broken state and federal law in exchange for a few hundred bucks. According to “auditors,” the audit report ” might be used to hasten the loan renewal procedure, lower the loan amount, or even cancel the loan. The opposite couldn’t be more true. There is no proof that a credit change or any other enforcement remedy can aid you, according to the FTC and its law enforcement partners, even when forensic credit investigations are carried out by a skilled, experienced, and trained expert, mortgage specialist, or lawyer.

Certain federal regulations permit a lender to file a lawsuit for mistakes in credit documentation. However, even if you file a claim and are successful, the lender is not required to modify the loan simply to make your payments easier to afford. If you choose to cancel the loan, you will be required to pay it back, which may cause you to lose your home. You can be the target of foreclosure fraud if you are in mortgage bankruptcy or are about to default. The FTC urges you to be aware of control indications and report them. According to the FTC, there are legal ways to help you get rid of your home if you disagree with the closing.

Looking for Mortgage Analysis Services


A consultant recognized by the Federal Housing and Urban Development Agency can offer information to assist you in avoiding foreclosure if you wish to evaluate your mortgage in order to improve the conditions of your repayment agreement with the lender. The HUD agent will determine your eligibility for lower monthly payments based on your homeowner stability and access plans. The free foreclosure prevention consultation offers the same details as auditors or for-profit businesses.

Dragged into court

Advocates for mortgage audits claim that the majority of mortgages have certain legal issues that permit homeowners to receive higher loan interest rates. However, Lisa Madigan, the attorney general for Illinois, asserted in 2012 that “the audit can never be utilized to negotiate a lower interest rate with your creditor.” Although there were numerous mistakes in the mortgage, the only option for homeowners who wanted to go through the formal process was to file legal proceedings, which may be expensive, to force the lender to accept responsibility.

Government warning

The use of private, legitimate mortgage lenders to enable recurring audits is discouraged by the Federal Trade Commission. According to the FTC, you will be informed if the auditor determines that the creditor has not complied with the Mortgage Loan Act so that you can either decrease your mortgage loan, avoid cancellation, modify your mortgage, or cancel your loan.


The FTC asserts that “professional shielding” rescuers “employ half-truths and outright lies in marketing services that promise relief to those who live in harsh countries.” The mortgage loan verification is what Madigan refers to as a “mortgage relief scam.” Beware of fraud if you seek someone to check your mortgage for errors in the hopes that you can receive a lower payment or perhaps have your loan canceled. Madigan advises speaking with HUD officials. A reliable lawyer who preferably has experience in real estate and mortgage sales can also be helpful. To ensure the correction, you must register a claim against the creditor even if you discover a mistake in your mortgage document.

Be wary of scams

If you need assistance avoiding scam, stay away from these things:

  • No matter your situation, you can be sure to halt the adoption process.
  • Not to speak with your credit lender, attorney, credit advisor, or real estate advisor
  • You need payment before providing services, and you only accept checks or electronic wallet transfers.
  • We advise you to rent your house so that you can purchase it when the time is perfect.
  • Instead of lending your credit, you are advised to give it straight to the lender.
  • We urge you to turn in your property’s title.
  • Willing to purchase your house in the real estate market for cash at a reasonable price.
  • Compulsions to sign paperwork that you haven’t read through in its entirety or that you don’t comprehend

Get legal counsel

According to local experts, keeping in touch with your mortgage is your most vital task if you are behind on your payments. Please get in touch with your lender or lenders if you cannot pay back the loan or receive a notice of foreclosure. An alternative payment schedule is negotiable.

For information on foreclosure defense call us at (877) 399 2995. We offer litigation document review support, mortgage audit reports, securitization audit reports, affidavit of expert witness notarized, and more.


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