How To Dispute The Findings Of A Forensic Mortgage Loan Audit.

The process of obtaining a mortgage loan is a significant financial decision for any individual or family. However, sometimes circumstances may arise that cause borrowers to question the validity of their loan, including the possibility of errors, omissions, or fraudulent activities related to the loan. This is where a forensic mortgage loan audit can provide valuable insight into the loan’s documentation and related processes.

A forensic mortgage loan audit is a comprehensive examination of a mortgage loan that analyzes all the documents related to the loan. This audit is usually conducted by a third-party auditor who specializes in mortgage loans. The purpose of a forensic mortgage loan audit is to identify any errors, omissions, or fraudulent activities related to the loan, including but not limited to issues with the loan origination process, loan servicing, or foreclosure.

The audit report can then be used to support claims made by borrowers who believe they have been wrongfully foreclosed upon or that their loan documents contain errors or inconsistencies. If you receive a forensic mortgage loan audit report that you believe is incorrect or inaccurate, it is essential to dispute the findings of the audit.

Disputing the findings of a forensic mortgage loan audit can be a challenging and time-consuming process, but it is crucial to take action if you believe the audit report contains errors or inaccuracies that could affect your mortgage loan. By following the appropriate steps, you can effectively dispute the findings and protect your rights as a borrower.

In this article, we will discuss how to dispute the findings of a forensic mortgage loan audit. We will cover the steps you need to take, including reviewing the audit report, gathering evidence, contacting the auditor, contacting your lender, and seeking legal advice. We will also provide some tips to help you navigate the dispute process and achieve a favorable outcome. Ultimately, we hope this article will provide you with the information and resources you need to effectively dispute the findings of a forensic mortgage loan audit and protect your rights as a borrower.

A forensic mortgage loan audit is a detailed examination of a mortgage loan, usually conducted by a third-party auditor, to identify any errors, omissions, or fraudulent activities related to the loan. The audit report is used to support claims made by borrowers who believe they have been wrongfully foreclosed upon or that their loan documents contain errors or inconsistencies.

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If you have received a forensic mortgage loan audit report that you believe is incorrect or inaccurate, you may need to dispute the findings of the audit. Here are some steps to take when disputing a forensic mortgage loan audit:

  1. Review the audit report

The first step in disputing the findings of a forensic mortgage loan audit is to carefully review the audit report. Take the time to read through the report thoroughly and make note of any findings that you disagree with or believe to be incorrect.

  1. Gather evidence

Once you have reviewed the audit report, gather any evidence you have to support your position. This may include loan documents, payment records, and correspondence with your lender. It is important to have clear, concise evidence to support your position.

  1. Contact the auditor

If you believe there are errors or inaccuracies in the audit report, contact the auditor who conducted the audit. Explain your concerns and provide any evidence you have to support your position. Be clear and concise in your communication, and make sure to document all correspondence.

  1. Contact your lender

If you are still not satisfied with the results of the audit, contact your lender to dispute the findings. Provide them with your evidence and explain your position. Be persistent but professional in your communication.

  1. Seek legal advice

If you are unable to resolve the dispute with the auditor or your lender, you may need to seek legal advice. A qualified attorney can review your case, provide legal guidance, and represent you in court if necessary.


Disputing the findings of a forensic mortgage loan audit is a complex and often daunting process. However, it is a crucial step in protecting your rights as a borrower and ensuring the accuracy and validity of your mortgage loan documentation. By reviewing the audit report, gathering evidence, contacting the auditor, contacting your lender, and seeking legal advice, you can effectively dispute the findings of a forensic mortgage loan audit and potentially avoid wrongful foreclosure or other negative consequences.

It is important to remember that the dispute process may take time and require persistence, but it is worth the effort to ensure the accuracy and validity of your mortgage loan documentation. It is also important to seek assistance from qualified professionals, such as attorneys or mortgage loan experts, to help you navigate the dispute process and achieve a favorable outcome.

Ultimately, the goal of disputing the findings of a forensic mortgage loan audit is to ensure that your rights as a borrower are protected, and that you are treated fairly and accurately under the law. By taking action and disputing the findings of a forensic mortgage loan audit, you can hold lenders and auditors accountable for their actions and potentially avoid the negative consequences of wrongful foreclosure or other errors in your mortgage loan documentation.

Disputing the findings of a forensic mortgage loan audit can be a challenging and time-consuming process. However, it is important to take action if you believe the audit report contains errors or inaccuracies that could affect your mortgage loan. By carefully reviewing the report, gathering evidence, and seeking assistance from qualified professionals, you can effectively dispute the findings and protect your rights as a borrower.

Overall, the role of forensic loan audits in identifying violations of federal and state lending laws cannot be overstated. By shedding light on potential violations and holding lenders accountable, forensic loan audits can help ensure that borrowers are treated fairly and provided with accurate and complete information about their loans.

Disclaimer: This article should not be considered legal advice.

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