Handwriting expert report sample

Forensic handwriting identification

‘Handwriting forensic appraisal is the scientific inspection and comparison of handwriting or printed matter, mainly to identify the author of an unknown sample. The recognition of forensic handwriting involves detailed analysis of all features and handwriting features of handwritten or unknown handwriting or printed samples and comparing these features with those of the suspect’s known handwriting or printed samples. “(Unknown author)

What is problematic writing?

A suspicious work is any work written by an unknown author, whose identity must be determined. The query can be composed of one or more signatures, numbers, italics, or handwritten in the form of letters, shapes, etc. Question marks may have one or more of the following characteristics, which may affect their applicability for comparison purposes:

  1. Naturally written
  2. Unnatural and/or disguised writing
  3. Writing written in more than one style
  4. Limited in quantity and quality
  5. Written by one or more writers

A tracing or simulation of another’s writing

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What is known, model, or sample text?

Regardless of what is called, it is a known and verifiable article by a person that, compared to the obfuscated article, determines whether the known author wrote the obscured article or not. Not yet. Known scripts fall into one of the following categories:

  1. a) Kind. The requested document was written on special request, for comparison, and based on the testimony of witnesses. Writing in this category often includes written material that is repetitive and some that contain the same letters and letter combinations, rather than questioning completely repetitive writing.
  2. b) Unsolicited or Collected- This writing is usually done in the normal course of business, is rarely viewed, and is not intended for comparison. Its authorship is generally verified by its author, and its recognition is deemed to be true and/or maybe confirmed or confirmed by the circumstances surrounding the preparation of the writing. For comparison, it is important that the majority of articles repeat the material being interviewed or have the same letters and letter combinations as the article being interviewed.

Not all of the texts sent are known to be true. The most important thing to remember is that the articles presented should be written in a natural way and reflect the author’s writing skills. As a general rule, if the signature in question is a signature, approximately 30-50 sample samples should be written during the signature period in question. If the article in question is a large piece of writing, such as a letter or a note, you should repeat the whole text at least 10-20 times. Specific manuscript samples and assistance in determining whether a known manuscript has been submitted. Please contact a Forensic Expert (FDE).

Working with duplicates

The best evidence for testing purposes is always original, but often only copies. If you need to test a copy, the best copy for testing purposes is the original, not the copy.

Photocopies contain all the evidence contained in the original document or the copied document, i.e. the quality and important features of the text, indents, outlines, pen strokes, pen stops, changes, etc. He doesn’t reveal originally. These works can be dirty, dry white, or scratches on the glass. Car drum defects or other causes. Fax documents or copies of fax documents are more problematic and generally not worth reviewing. Faxes or copies of faxes should be provided for review purposes only as a last resort. The value of each copy for evaluation depends on the quality of the copy, be it a photocopy or fax.

Another reason why photocopies are problematic is that a person with photocopying technology can create or produce a completely fictional document. The purpose of fictitious documents is to present them as proof of the situation in the dispute, to substantiate their position, or to take certain steps. The authenticity of photocopies is questionable because of the ease of creating fictitious documents that prove that the original document contains certain text or even a signature.

Assuming that the copy accurately records all the assets contained in the original that it should represent, this assumption is dangerous at best. The only way to verify that the copy is an exact copy of the document it is intended to represent is to compare the copy with the original. It is not possible to verify the original just by viewing the so-called copy of this document. Any review based on the review of the copy is only valid for the revised copy and cannot infer what the copy intends to represent the original. The same precautions apply to documents created on a computer. People with minimal computer knowledge can edit and/or create documents. You can print or print text, signatures and dates, and new documents on a laser printer. Basically, the same technology is used in laser printers used in copiers.

If you need to copy, fax, or computer-type documents, please contact your PDE for help. The most important thing to remember when reviewing a copy is that the comments are given after the revision only apply to the visible data about that copy.

How to plan a case return

Step 1-Extract challenge file from recognized files.

Step 2-Write the word “asked” on the envelope and place the document in question in this envelope.

Step 3-Write the word “known” on another envelope or several envelopes, depending on the number of known authors. Use an envelope for each known author and write the person’s name under the word “known”. Place the appropriate documents in each envelope and seal. Instead of folding the document and trying to put it in a small envelope, use a large flat envelope to secure the document.

Preventive measure

When the material is submitted, do not write it on the envelope. Write it on the envelope first, then submit the document for review. If a file contains fingerprints, it must be placed in a separate enclosure and approved using a defined and appropriate method for protecting the file. Envelopes with documents should be marked “Content to print”.

Prepare job applications

After sorting and knowing the document with questions, the next step is to prepare the job application. A job application can be a form or a specially designed form. Regardless of the method used, the job application must contain the following information:

  1. Unique and complete description of submitted, suspicious, and known documents.
  2. Accurate description of the desired test, handwritten information, change, lies, etc. For example, “Did John Jones write the name of Sam Brown in …” Describe the requested information accurately and the location of the document. When collecting well-known reports, the area against which ads are to be compared must be accurately defined. Another option is to copy the collected documents, and in their copies, the familiar texts are highlighted. Attach photocopies and original documents when sending.

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