Does Bankruptcy stop foreclosure

Automatic stay: seizure wait

When you file a motion for Bankruptcy in Chapter 13 or Chapter 7, the court immediately issues an order (called a repair order), which includes something beautiful, called an automatic residence. Auto-stay instructs the creditors automatically to stop collecting.

Nevertheless, it takes some time to submit the application and to hear it. That typically leads to a postponement of Bankruptcy for at least two months or even longer if the applicant gradually completes the auto-residence request.

How can Bankruptcy aid Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Insolvency allows you to pay arrears (unpaid late payments) for the term of Chapter 13 of the agreed payment schedule-in in most cases for five years. However, you will need ample income to meet the existing mortgage payment and pay the arrears. If you make all the necessary payments before the end of the payment schedule, avoid forfeiture, and keep your home.

Looking for Mortgage Analysis Services

Failure under Chapter 13 could also help remove the second or third mortgage payments. Is it working like that? You may no longer have security to cover the subsequent mortgage if your first mortgage is guaranteed to your house’s full value (which can be done if the value of your home has declined). This helps the Court of Chapter 13 exclude the second and third mortgages and identify them as unsecured debts, which are the ultimate priority after the Bankruptcy of Chapter 13 and are often unrepayable. With household wealth growing, this strategy is used less often.

The major recession hit hard, and a bankrupt debtor had a lot, if anything, of home value. Home values have continued to increase since then. The claimant must now examine carefully if they are in a position to fully protect equity with the home exemption allowed by the applicant’s state. If the home exemption is insufficient to maintain the building, the taxpayer must also pay the value of the non-exempt land in the payment schedule.

For information on foreclosure defense call us at (877) 399 2995. We offer litigation document review support, mortgage audit reports, securitization audit reports, affidavit of expert witness notarized, and more.


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