Arizona foreclosures and Linda green mortgage fraud

Numerous Arizona homeowners have lost their homes due to illegal foreclosures. Illegal foreclosures are characterized by phony, faked, and forged documents. The name was attached to a mortgage scandal known as Robo-scandal, referring to the practice of employees signing documents without knowing the validity of the information in Affidavits, Mortgage satisfactions, assignment, and other documents. Linda Green was the name signed by dozens of employees of DocX, LLC, a mortgage services company in Alpharetta, Georgia. The name was signed in more than two million documents from 2000-2009. The documents signed by the employees were used to push foreclosure through the courts.

Mortgage Fraud Linda Green Exposed

Linda Green signatures went beyond Robo-signatures as people other than Linda Green signed the documents that were notarized and witnessed, a violation of the laws regarding notarized documents in Georgia and other states. The real Linda Green, who was a shipping clerk before she was hired as a robo-signer and was never a Vice president of any of any bank, did not sign all of the documents on her own. In its place, the company behind the scandal hired other people to sign her name too. The banks defended this practice and coined the term “surrogate signing” to describe the massive forgeries.

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The other names that were frequently signed in the DocX offices include Korell Harp, Pat Kingston, Jessica Ohde, Cheryl Thomas, Tywanna Thomas, and Linda Thoresen. Similar practices were uncovered at other mortgage service companies. The federal government never charged DocX or any of its employees with any crime. The companies were never required to notify homeowners or courts of these developments.

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For information on foreclosure defense call us at (877) 399 2995. We offer litigation document review support, mortgage audit reports, securitization audit reports, affidavit of expert witness notarized, and more.


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